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Winners Bitch
Desiree Acres Live Wire at Woebgon
In 2018 Pam and I combined our breeding and showing with Ron and mary Lukins of Desiree Acres Bassets. This is turning out to be a fantastic decision. They have made outstanding partners.
Well, Woebgon Bassets started off the new year as we have in the past with a big win at the first shows of the year in Indio, California. At Kennel Club of palm Springs Show Lexie got her second major win and Dubby was in his first show. Our second show weekend was even better when Dubby was selected Best of Breed from the Bred by Exhibitor Class.
This was a big change from last year when Don was recovering from his heart bypass surgery. He's doing a lot better and has been showing Caicos. Caicos had a big win at his third show of the year.

At the the first all breed show of the year, the Kennel Club of Palm Springs, Lexie was Winners Bitch for a three point major. There were ten class bitches in the show. Lexie was shown by her co-owner, Mary Lukins. This is her second major win giving her eight total points toward her AKC Championship.

Winners Dog
Desiree Acres Dressed to Kill

Best of Winners
Best of Breed
From the Bred by Exhibitor Class
This is one of those days that every breeder and exhibitor dreams of. At the the Long Beach Kennel Club Show Dubby was Winners Dog, Best of Winners AND Best of Breed for a five point major. This was just his third show and second weekend in the show ring. Needless to say we're all very excited about this outstanding win. Since Dubby was Best of Breed and eligible for the AKC National Owner-Handled Series he qualified for the groups. He was Third in the NOHS Group.
Best of Breed
National Owner-Handled Series
Group 3
National Owner-Handled Series
Group 3
National Owner-Handled Series
Select Dog
Tradewind's Caicos

Caicos completed the requirements for his Bronze Grand Championship by being chosen as Select Dog at the Long Beach Kennel Club Show on January 13, 2019 under Judge Ms. Marjorie Martorella. This was a four point major and his 16th major for this title. Caicos defeated other AKC Champions in 36 shows under 35 different judges. We’d like to thank all the judges for recognizing his qualities. Caicos was bred by Steve and Jeffie Casey. They have been right with us by offering their encouragement and support. Caicos is owned by Don & Pam Bullock and owner handled for this win by Don.
Group 3
National Owner-Handled Series
New Grand Champion Bronze

Winners Bitch
Desiree Acres Live Wire at Woebgon
Best of Winners
On February 23, 2019 at the Silver Bay Kennel Club Show at Del Mar, California Lexie (Desire Acres Live Wire at Woebgon) was Winners Bitch and Best of Winners for 2 points under Judge Mrs. Linda M. Riedel. Lexie was a bred and is owned by Ron & Mary Lukins and Don & Pam Bullock. She was shown by Mary in the Bred by Exhibitor Class. As of this win Lexie has 10 points including both majors toward her AKC Championship.

Winners Bitch
Desiree Acres Live Wire at Woebgon
Best of Winners
On March 3, 2019 at the Kennel Club of Beverly Hills Show at La Fairplex Lexie (Desire Acres Live Wire at Woebgon) was Winners Bitch and Best of Winners for 1 points under Judge Mrs. Linn Klingel Brown. Lexie was a bred and is owned by Ron & Mary Lukins and Don & Pam Bullock. She was shown by Mary in the Bred by Exhibitor Class. As of this win Lexie has 11 points including both majors toward her AKC Championship.

Basset Hound Club America Regional
Best in Sweepstakes
Desiree Acres Live Wire at Woebgon

Winners Dog
Desiree Acres Dressed to Kill

On March 23, 2019 at the Basset Hound Club of Southern California Specialty Show Dubbie (Desire Acres Dressed to Kill) was Winners Dog for 4 points under Breeder/Judge Mr. Richard Nance. Dubbie was a bred and is owned by Ron & Mary Lukins and Don & Pam Bullock. She was shown by Mary in the Bred by Exhibitor Class. As of this win Lexie has 9 points including both majors toward his AKC Championship.
On March 23, 2019 at the Basset Hound Club of Southern California Specialty Show Lexie (Desire Acres Live Wire at Woebgon) was Best in Sweepstakes Breeder/Judge Mrs. Maria Bivens. Lexie was a bred and is owned by Ron & Mary Lukins and Don & Pam Bullock. She was shown by Mary. Lexie has 11 points including both majors toward her AKC Championship.

Best of Breed
Desiree Acres Black Tie and Sneakers
Best of Breed
National Owner-Handled Series
On May 12, 2019 at the Ventura County Dog Fanciers Association Show Baz (Desire Acres Black Tie and Sneekers) was Best of Breed under Judge Mr. Jerry M. Watson. Baz was a bred and is owned by Ron & Mary Lukins and Don & Pam Bullock. He was shown by Mary. Baz is working toward his AKC Grand Championship.
Winners Dog
Desiree Acres Dressed to Kill

Friday, 7-15-19 Channel City Kennel Club Show, Swagger - formerly Dubby (Desire Acres Dressed to Kill) was Winners Dog & Best of Winners Judge Mr. Robert D. Ennis. Swagger was a bred and is owned by Ron & Mary Lukins and Don & Pam Bullock. He was shown by Mary. Swagger now needs five points for his AKC Championship.
Best of Winners
Winners Dog
Desiree Acres Dressed to Kill

Saturday, 7-16-19 Santa Maria Kennel Club Show, Swagger - formerly Dubby (Desire Acres Dressed to Kill) was Winners Dog & Best of Winners Judge Mr. James E. Frederiksen. Swagger was a bred and is owned by Ron & Mary Lukins and Don & Pam Bullock. He was shown by Mary. Swagger now needs four points for his AKC Championship.
Winners Bitch
Desiree Acres Live Wire at Woebgon
Best of Winners

On 7-16-19 at the Santa Maria Kennel Club Show Lexie (Desire Acres Live Wire at Woebgon) was Winners Bitch and Best of Winners for 1 points under Judge Mr. James E. Frederiksen. Lexie was a bred and is owned by Ron & Mary Lukins and Don & Pam Bullock. She was shown by Mary in the Bred by Exhibitor Class. As of this win Lexie needs 2 points to finish her AKC Championship.

Best of Breed
National Owner-Handled Series
Best of Breed
GCHB Tradewind's Caicos
Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed
Major Win Over Other Champions
CH Desiree Acres Live Wire at Woebgon
Sunday, September 29, 2019 at the Santa Ana Valley Kennel Club Caicos was Best of Breed and Best of Breed Owner Handled under Judge Mr. Lou M. Guerrero.
Sunday, September 29, 2019 at the Santa Ana Valley Kennel Club Lexie was Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed under Judge Mr. Lou M. Guerrero.

Select Dog
CH Desiree Acres Black Tie and Sneakers
Winners Bitch
Desiree Acres Live Wire at Woebgon
Best of Winners
On 8-11-19 at the South Bay Kennel Club Show Lexie (Desire Acres Live Wire at Woebgon) was Winners Bitch and Best of Winners for 1 points under Judge Mr. Vincent G. Mulligan. Lexie was a bred and is owned by Ron & Mary Lukins and Don & Pam Bullock. She was shown by Mary in the Bred by Exhibitor Class.
New Champion
On 8-11-19 at the South Bay Kennel Club Show Baz (CH Desire Acres Live Black Tie and Sneakers) was Select Dog for a Major under Judge Mr. Vincent G. Mulligan. Baz was a bred and is owned by Ron & Mary Lukins and Don & Pam Bullock. She was shown by Mary in the Bred by Exhibitor Class.

Best of Breed
CH Desiree Acres Black Tie and Sneakers
San Gabriel Valley Kennel Club
National Owner Handled Series
Group 1
Ch. Desiree Acres Black Tie and Sneakers
San Gabriel Valley Kennel Club
National Owner Handled Series
Reserve Best in Show
Ch. Desiree Acres Black Tie and Sneakers
Select Bitch
CH Desiree Live Wire at Woebgon
Select Bitch
CH Desiree Live Wire at Woebgon
Saturday, September 28, 2019 at the Santa Ana Valley Kennel Club Lexie (CH Desiree Acres Live Wire at Woebgon) was Select bitch. Unfortunately the photographer scared Lexie so we were unable to get a photograph.
Select Bitch
CH Desiree Live Wire at Woebgon
Best of Breed
National Owner-Handled Series

Best of Breed
CH Desiree Acres Black Tie and Sneakers
Best of Breed
National Owner-Handled Series

Sunday, November 2, 2019 at the San Gabriel Valley Kennel Club Baz was Best of Breed under Judge Ms. Sheila D. Paske.
Sunday, November 2, 2019 at the San Gabriel Valley Kennel Club Baz was NOHS Hound Group 1 and NOHS Reserve Best in Show under Judge Ms. Sheila D. Paske.

Sunday, November 2, 2019 at the San Gabriel Valley Kennel Club Lexie was Select Bitch under Judge Ms. Sheila D. Paske. Pam showed her but Lexie wouldn't cooperate for the photo. She had been scared by another photographer's sign and wasn't sure about this one.
Sunday, November 2, 2019 at the San Gabriel Valley Kennel Club Lexie was Select Bitch under Judge Mr Jerry M. Watson.
Sunday, November 2, 2019 at the San Gabriel Valley Kennel Club Baz was Best of Breed under Judge Mr. Jerry M. Watson. Baz earned his AKC Champuonship one year earlier at this same show.
New Grand Champion