The two of us have been very fortunate to have had some success in the show ring with our basset hounds. We greatly appreciate the assistance of Sue and Andy Shoemaker of Shoefly Bassets for getting us off to a great start with a good foundation. When we added the partnership with Heather and Joan Simonek of Vogue Bassets to our breeding and showing efforts we were able to use that foundation and enhance it. Heather and Joan were an integral part of our success and we will miss working with them in the future. Fortunately, because of the mentoring we’ve had, our success is continuing. This page documents some of the “milestones” of our breeding efforts in AKC conformation competition. We hope to keep adding to this page.
Our biggest success to date has to be Joy’s Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed win at the 2008 Westminster Kennel Club Show. This was a life long dream come true for Heather and a dream win for us as well. LINK: More pictures here.

Joy also was our first to win Group 1 at al all breed dog show.

At the AKC/Eukanuba National Championship show in Ling Beach in, California in 2007 Joy won an Award of Excellence.
CH Vogue's Woebgon Black Jack (Sire: Me-Don's Ol' South's Top Priority/Dam: CH Vogue's Woebgon Bonnie Miss) was Best of Breed/Best in Specialty Show at the Basset Hound Club of Sacramento's second show on April 10, 2009 under breeder/judge Barbara Cromley. He also received the first Award of Merit at the Basset Hound Club of Sacramento's first show on April 10, 2009 under breeder/judge Carol Makowski. This is the first Best in Specialty Show win for Woebgon Bassets. More information and pictures here.

CH. Woebgon’s Miller High Life was our first basset hound to finish at a specialty show. More information and pictures.

At the Basset Hound Club of Southern California’s 2011 Specialty Shows
Woebgon Bassets Swept Winners Both Days

In addition Miss Sassy was Best in Sweepstakes on Sunday.
This was certainly a fantastic weekend for us and a milestone for Woebgon Bassets. Just winning one specialty show with a single dog is super. To do it with two of our basset hounds two days in a row is unbelievable and yet it actually happened. We are very grateful to both judges for these wins for our puppies. This was our first litter since Heather’s death and confirms that we learned our lessons well. We’re looking forward to our next litter. More pictures of Miss Sassy and Doc Howliday.
We thought that the 2011 BHCSC Specialty Shows were fantastic. Little did we know that the shows in 2012 would be even better.
At the Saturday 2012 Basset Hound Club of Southern California Specialty Show both Doc and Miss Sassy continued their winning streak. We were thrilled when breeder/judge Sandra Johnston from Scotland presented them both with an Award of Merit.
At the Sunday show when the awards improved we we became even more excited.
Breeder/judge Diane Foote presented Ch. Woebgon’s Doc Howliday (“Doc”) with Best of Breed and Ch. Woebgon’s Dodge City Sarsaparilla (‘Miss Sassy”) with Select Bitch. This is not the first time our basset hounds have been awarded with Best of Breed at a basset hound Specialty Show, but to win it at our own breed club made it very special. Then for his sister to receive the Select Bitch award was fantastic. The wins have verified our breeding choices.
Joy’s boy, “Jesse”, finished his AKC Championship at the Kennel Club of Palm Springs Show by winning Winners Dog and Best of Winners on January 5, 2013. He was shown to the win by Don. Jesse was Best of Winners for all his wins.
This is the fifth AKC Champion for his mother, Joy, which now qualifies her for The Register of Merit that is awarded by the Basset Hound Club of America to the top producing Basset Hound Sires and Dams who have offspring finishing AKC titles. The title "ROM" following a basset's registered name designates a sire or dam has produced several get who have been successful in finishing AKC title.

In March of 2013 the Basset Hound Club of America, Inc. confirmed the Register of Merit on GCh. Ch. Woebgon’s Kickapoo Joy Juice, ROM for having five AKC Champion prodigy. This is a big milestone for any breeder.

We had another fantastic Basset Hound Club of Southern California Specialty Show weekend. Miss Sassy led the way with her Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed at the Saturday show. With Miss Sassy’s win we retired the trophy. She was our third bitch to win BOS at the Saturday BHCSC Specialty.

When Joy (GCh. Ch. Woebgon’s Kickapoo Joy Juice) was awarded first in the Brood Bitch Class on the same day it topped off our day. Joy was well represented by GCh. Woebgon’s Dodge City Sarsaparilla and GCh. Ch. Woebgon’s Doc Howliday.

At the Kennel Club of Beverly Hills Show on March 4, 2017 Caicos continued his streak of BOS wins and National Owner Handled Series Best of Breed wins under Judge Ms. Christine Erickson. It's what happened next that was amazing.
Caicos was National Owner Handled Series Group 1 under Jutge Thomas Powers. Mr. Powers is also the President of the Kennel Club of Beverly Hills. While we have won groups before this was a very special win for us because it lead to the following win.
Mr. Powers also awarded Caicos NOHS Reserve Best in Show. This win is a first for Woebgon Bassets and one we're very excited about.