First Aid &
THE BASSET HOUND CLUB OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, INC. is very fortunate to have Mary Likins as a long time member. She has presented information on first aid for basset hounds several times at BHCSC meetings. Mary put together information that is posted on the BHCSC website (see below) and I have decided to post it here as well. Mary and her “patient” Scout are both great friends of Woebgon Bassets.

Canine First Aid

First Aid

The American Kennel Club (AKC) has information on their website covering emergencies and first aid.
Basset Hound Health
While basset hounds tend to be a very healthy breed there are some health issues that owners must be aware of when they consider adding one to their family and after they have one.
We strongly encourage all dog owners to seek advice from their veterinarians on ALL health issues and to keep up on ALL recommend immunizations/titers* that their veterinarian recommends. These change from time to time and place to place. We can not list here what owners should immunize their dogs for or prescribe ant protocol for such immunizations or titers*.
NOTE: I used to have links to information on all the conditions listed below but many of the sources have disappeared, require people to sign up or are charging for information so I have removed those links. I'll see if I can find current links.
Bloat a very deadly condition that can appear quickly without any warning.
Panosteitis an inflammation involving various layers of the bones of young, growing dogs. This condition occurs spontaneously and ultimately resolves on its own. It is important to note that MANY veterinarians do not accurately diagnose this disease especially in basset hounds. It is very important to make sure that before any surgery is performed that a basset hound expert examines your dog.
Cancer is the number one disease related killer of pets. Many people do not realize that cancer is not just a human condition; it affects our pets as well.
Glaucoma is the elevation of pressure inside the eye, known as intraocular pressure (IOP) beyond a specific point at which vision is compromised or is no longer possible. Glaucoma is a frequent cause of blindness in humans and animals.
Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis (HGE) is a disease syndrome seen in dogs, characterized by the acute (sudden) onset of bloody diarrhea, usually explosive, accompanied by high packed cell volumes (red blood cells).
Von Willebrand’s Disease (vWD) is a bleeding disorder or blood disease caused by a deficiency of von Willebrand Factor (vWF), an adhesive glycoprotein in the blood required for normal platelet binding (i.e., clotting) at the sites of small blood vessel injuries.
Basset Hound Thrombopathia is an hereditary, intrinsic platelet disorder that has been described in basset hounds and spitz dogs that causes excessive bleeding.
Canine Hip Displasia is characterized by an abnormal formation of the hip joint, occurs in many mammals. Both dogs and humans may fall victim to this disease, although it is far more prevalent in dogs.
Elbow Displasia is a cause of front-leg lameness in large-breed dogs. It is not considered to be common in basset hounds.
Degenerative Disc Disease of an intervertebral disk may lead to protrusion, or bulging, or it may cause herniation, or rupture. Pain and weakness or paralysis may occur, depending on the degree of damage to the spinal cord. Damage is the result of both mechanical compression of spinal tissue and secondary reactive vascular and chemical changes within the tissue. This damage to tissues results in disruption of normal spinal cord function.
Allergies in dogs are essentially the same as allergies in humans. Dogs can show allergic symptoms when their immune systems begin to recognize certain everyday substances -or allergens- as dangerous.
*An antibody titer is a measurement of how much antibody an organism has produced that recognizes a particular epitope, expressed as the inverse of the greatest dilution that still gives a positive result. See your veterinarian for more information.
On this website we do not have the space or expertise to cover all of these issues and will not attempt to do so. The titles above are links to either our website or an independent website with information.
It is prudent of all basset hound owners and breeders to know and understand these health issues. Always seek advice from a licensed veterinarian and your basset’s breeder when you suspect any health issues with your basset hound. If you have any doubts about a diagnosis get a second opinion from an expert in the related field who also knows the breed. This can be very important!
The Basset Hound Club of America, Inc. has a page with many more links that we encourage you to look at. I feel it necessary to note that some of these links no longer work. Of course you can also do an Internet search for these topics as well.

This website was created and is maintained by Don Bullock.
He can be reached at basithd@yahoo.com
All material on this website is copyright by Donald W. Bullock
All rights are reserved

Health and first aide information on the Woebgon Bassets website is provided for information purposes only. It is not presented as a replacement for proper veterinary care. Do not hesitate to seek proper veterinary care for your dogs.