At Woebgon Bassets we don’t have a large pack. Our goal has always been quality not quantity. Currently we have four females, Nadia (from Hungary), Heidi, Miss Sassy and her granddaughter, Lexie. In addition to the girls we have Miller and Caicos.
We are proud to be AKC Breeders of Merit.
IMPORTANT NOTE: At the end of 2018 we decided to end our breeding program and will no longer breed basset hounds (LINK: Details)

Age 4
Caicos came from a breeder/friend in Florida, Jeffie Casey, of Tradewinds Bassets. He now has his AKC Grai the country nd Championship. In 2017 Caicos was the #10 Basset Hound nationally in AKC NOHS Competition.
His brother, Reefer, was bred to Miss Sassy.
This website was created and is maintained by Don Bullock.
He can be reached at basithd@yahoo.com
All material on this website is copyright by Donald W. Bullock
All rights are reserved
Click on the dog names to find out more about each dog and see more pictures.

Lexie is out of our Pixie. Ron & Mary Lukins bought Pixie from us and decided to breed her. She had a litter of three, 2 boys and 1 girl. Since the Lukins decided to keep both boys they offered us a chance to have Lexie. We're very excited about the opportunity of adding her to our Woebgon Basset Pack. Lexie is a very energetic girl with excellent conformation. Lexie has finished the requirements for her AKC Grand Championship.
Occasionally being shown as a veteran in specialty shows.

Emmy was bred by our friend Jeffie Casey and she's partly related to our boy Caicos. Pam is showing Emmy and they have had a lot of success in the show ring. You can see them at most dog shows on the Los Angeles and San Diego areas.