Our Current Basset Hounds Appearing in the Show Ring

One year after Heidi’s first show Pam showed her to finish her Grand Championship. Don and Pam may show Heidi as a Veteran at Basset Hound Specialty shows.

Caicos came to live with the Woebgon Pack from breeder/friends in Florida with two points toward his AKC Championship from a show in Florida. Caicos has now finished all the requirements for his AKC Championship and Grand Championship. We are very excited about this special addition to our pack. He’s a very sweet boy.
Caicos will continue to be shown in Best of Breed competition because Don enjoys showing him. He's doing extremely well in the ring. The judges like him. In January of 2019 Caicos is earned his Bronze Grand Championship. He also is turning eleven this year. We have started showing him in the Veterans Class and Veteran Sweepstakes at Specialty Shows.
NOTE: Go to the Jack Bradshaw website page for a list of shows on their website. On that page scroll to the show you are interested in. Click on that link. The show’s Premium List provides information about the show and at least a week before the show a Judging Schedule will be posted. It tells how many of each breed are entered in the show, the time they are scheduled to be shown and the ring number they will be shown in. Please understand that dog shows run on time according to the judging schedule.
Upcoming Shows
This website was created and is maintained by Don Bullock.
He can be reached at basithd@yahoo.com
All material on this website is copyright by Donald W. Bullock
All rights are reserved
The dog show magazine Canine Chronicle provides the most comprehensive and an easy to use show schedule for the whole United States. We highly recommend using their Events Calendar for shows outside of Southern California.
Dog shows are not a "beauty contest." The reason for shows is to prove the quality of "livestock." At dog shows our Basset Hounds are judged by licensed AKC judges against the other dogs at the show. The dogs that the judges feel best match the written AKC Standard for Basset Hounds are the ones who win. This Standard is important to all who love our breed. It should be the goal of ALL breeders to be working toward dogs that match their Breed Standard. At Woebgon Bassets we are very proud of the Bassets we show and how well they have done in the AKC show ring.
If you want to know if we are attending any of these shows or anything regarding dog shows just send us an EMAIL. Please feel free to contact us regarding anything about shows and showing. We'd be glad to answer you.
Basset Hounds are judged at dog shows by licensed judges according to this AKC Standard for the breed.

Desiree Acres Black Tie and Sneakers
Baz was bred by our good friends Ron and Mary Lukins of Desiree Acres Bassets. He is one of Lexie's brother Since Pam and Don co-own the mother, Pixie, they are also considered breeders of this litter. With the permission and blessing of Ron and Mary Don & Pam also co-own Baz.
Baz has completed the requirements for his AKC Championship. He may be shown occasionally in the Veteran Class and Veteran Sweepstakes by Ron Lukins.
Tradewinds Tropical Edition at Woebgon
Emmy was bred by our friend, Jeffie Casey, in Florida. She's partially related to our boy, Caicos, whom we got from Jeffie. Pam has recently started showing Emmy after the long break from dog shows due to COVID - 19. She earned her ACH Championship at the Silver Bay KC of San Diego show February 25, 2022 under judge Mrs. Gary L Andersen.
Pam is continuing showing Emmy and they are doing very well. Emmy has won multiple Best of Breed awards as well as Best of Opposite sex to Best of Breed. She's also won many Best of Breed Owner Handled placements. Emmy has also received numerous placements on both the Owner Handled Hound Group and the regular Hound Group.