Trophies Donated by Woebgon Bassets
Our Local Basset Hound Clubs
We at Woebgon Bassets are strong supporters of our local basset hound clubs. These five trophies are the major trophies we have donated to these two clubs (The Basset Hound Club of Southern California, Inc. & The Greater San Diego Basset Hound Club) for their Specialty Shows. We also contribute to the clubs‘ trophy funds each year.
With the exception of one of the trophies all were designed by Don and he hand crafted the bases from solid hardwood in his workshop.
BHCSC Breeder of Winners Dog
“Ch. Bud Light Memorial Trophy”

Base of Red Oak was re-donated by Andy and Sue Shoemaker after they retired the trophy. Don and Pam found another basset hound bell and donated the trophy to honor the breeders in the club.
The bell is a bronze by C. Wagner cast in the shape of a basset hound head with a clapper shaped like a dog’s leg with a massive paw. The bell is number 49 in a limited edition of 100, was cast in 1978.
The trophy honors the breeders of Winners Dog and is named after our first Champion that we bought from Shoefly Bassets.
BHCSC Best in Sweepstakes
“Woebgon Challenge Cup”

Base is made from Cherry.
The loving cup is silver plate and the basset hound figurine was recycled from a trophy from the 1970s.
Don and Pam retired this trophy in 2014 when Tradewind’s Caicos was Best in Sweepstakes.
BHCSC High in Trial for Obedience
Dedicated to Ralph Scarrow

Base is made from Zebrawood and Black Walnut.
The pictures above were taken in Don’s shop before the finish was applied to the trophy and the plaques were added.
The basset hound figurine is from Danbury Mint and was donated for the trophy by our friend, Maria Bivens.
The trophy was dedicated to Ralph Scarrow several years before his death for his work in keeping obedience events as part of BHCSC Specialty Shows. Ralph was one who was somewhat upset when the club adopted a new logo so the medallion on this trophy is one of the older logos that we had left. It was donated by the club for this trophy.
Note: The basset hound figurine can be protected for travel and storage by turning the top upside down so that the it disappears into the base.

Photos of the finished trophy.
This trophy was retired in 2014 by Marianne Lovejoy. She has re-donated the trophy with a new plaque as the Ralph Scarrow Memorial Challenge Trophy. We’d like to express our special thanks to her for this generous gesture and tribute to Ralph Scarrow.
GSDBHC Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed
“The Cup of Joy”
Dedicated to “Joy” because she was the first to win BOS at the Sunday GSDBHC Specialty Show

A silver plate loving cup on a hand crafted black walnut base.
When the GSDBHC expanded to two Specialty Shows our Joy had the honor of being awarded the first Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed. As a result of this honor we donated this trophy to their club.
BHCSC Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed
After retiring the previous BOS trophy in 2013 we donated this one in 2014

Base is made from Curly Maple and Black Walnut.
The basset hound bitch is a cold cast bronze figuring made by Dannyquest. The trophy was donated in honor of our three girls who retired the previous trophy.
2005 - GCh. Ch. Woebgon’s Kickapoo Joy Juice, ROM
2007 - Ch. Woebgon’s Snow White from the Bred by Exhibitor Class
2013 - GCh. Ch. Woebgon’s Dodge City Sarsaparilla
It is quite fitting that our mentors, Andy and Sue Shoemaker were the first winners of this trophy with a class bitch.
Note: The basset hound figurine can be protected for travel and storage by turning the top upside down so that the it disappears into the base.
This website was created and is maintained by Don Bullock.
He can be reached at
All material on this website is copyright by Donald W. Bullock
All rights are reserved