We are very proud of our foundation basset hounds. They have plenty of type, heavy bone, loose skin, and are good movers. More importantly they have fantastic temperaments and health. All are AKC Champions. The quality of our basset hounds has been proven in the show ring where their qualities have been adjudicated by AKC licensed judges. Dog shows are for evaluating breeding stock.
The basset hounds presented on this page were part of our breeding program. All our litters were connected with these dogs and bitches.
Much of our success can be attributed to some other wonderful basset hound breeders. We got our start with the help and mentoring of Andy and Sue Shoemaker of Shoefly Bassets. When Heather Saimonek of Vogue Bassets sold Mandy to us and she decided to breed to our male, Moose, we started working with her to breed better basset hounds. We still seek the opinion of other breeders in all our major decisions. Most recently we combined our breeding efforts with Ron and Mary Lukins of Desiree Acres Bassets who produced a wonderful litter. This litter, however, is our last. We have decided not to breed future litters.
For those wondering where the name for our kennel came from check out, Woebgon Bassets: What’s in a name? it will give you the background and reasons for that choice.
Next to the pictures of the dogs is a description of each dog and how they fit into our breeding program. Click on the dog names to find out more about each dog and see more pictures.

"Buddy" was our first AKC Champion. At his first show after becoming a Champion, Buddy was Group 4 (pictured left). We bought Buddy from Andy and Sue Shoemaker. While Buddy was unsuccessful in our attempts for him to sire a litter he was a wonderful basset with a fantastic temperament that made him the perfect companion. Buddy set the stage for all our basset hounds who followed him. He was bred to Mandy at the same time Moose was bred to her. This was a special double sire breeding but according to AKC's genetic testing all the puppies in the litter were sired by Moose. He was a true buddy.

"Moose" was a very sweet basset. We were fortunate when Sue Shoemaker of Shoefly Bassets allowed us to have the pick of the seven boys in his litter. We selected him because he had the temperament, bone and loose skin, "type," that we wanted as the foundation of our line. He lived up to our expectations and produced some exceptional basset hounds. Five became AKC Champions. Though he is now gone, Moose is the grandfather of four litters. Bonnie had five, Moxie had nine and Joy had seven the first time and six in her second litter. He’s now the great grandfather to two litters from Snow White and one from Miss Sassy plus the great, great grandfather of our most recent litter from Pixie.
Ch. Shoefly’s Royal Moosehead
Sire: Ch. Shoefly’s Joshua Bennett, ROM
Dam: Ch. Shoefly’s Royal Lady Eleanor
Our foundation stud dog.
"Mandy" was our first female and our first Basset Hound Club Specialty winner. We bought her from Heather to compliment Moose because we especially loved her movement, her front and the spunk she showed in the show ring. Mandy produced two excellent puppies, Joy and Moxie, out of Moose. Mandy is the grandmother of seven Champions. She had plenty of spunk left at age of 14 so we showed her in 2013 as a Veteran at the BHCSC Specialty Show where she won her class under breeder/judge Sharon Dok. Mandy left a fantastic legacy and will be remembered for what she did as our foundation bitch.

Ch. Vogue’s Woebgon Mountain Dew
Sire: Ch. Becee’s Masquerade, ROM
Dam: Ch. Vogue’s Daffodil, ROM
Our first foundation bitch.

"Bonnie" was our first basset out of Moose. Thanks to the foresight of our good friend, Heather Simonek and her mother, Joan, who bred Moose to one of their females, we were able to get Bonnie. She was a superior female with excellent qualities. Soon after finishing her Championship in 2002 Bonnie became very ill. We almost lost her, but she did recover (see Bonnie’s Story). In 2004, with Don showing her in Southern California, Bonnie was the number thirteen basset hound in the United States for the year. On July 2, 2006 she produced her litter of five. Three of the five became AKC Champions. Bonnie’s daughter, Snowy, has produced two Champions. While Bonnie is now gone she left a wonderful legacy.
Ch. Vogue’s Woebgon Bonnie Miss
Sire: Ch. Shoefly’s Royal Moosehead
Dam: Vogue’s Black Cherry Jelly
Moose’s first daughter and our second foundation bitch.

"Joy" is our first "home bred" AKC Champion. She and her sister "Moxie" were the only survivors in a litter of five. The girls are out of Moose and Mandy. Joy reminded us a lot of Buddy. Her first point came exactly ten years to the day after the same judge awarded us our very first points in a show to Buddy. Joy won a five point major under breeder/judge Barbara Langlois the the Inland Empire Hound Club of So. Cal. show and another five point major at the Kennel Club of Palm Springs show in two days of showing and finished at her next show weekend. At the Ventura KC show in January of 2005 Don finished Joy from the Bred by Exhibitor class. That day Joy was Group 1 in the Bred by Exhibitor Hound Group. What a way to finish the first Champion from our breeding! Later on Joy was first in the Hound Group at the Santa Ana Valley Show (shown above left). Joy was Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed at the 132nd Westminster Kennel Club Show in New York City in 2008 (also pictured). In her first breeding after retiring from the show ring on a regular basis in 2008, Joy produced a litter of eight. In June of 2010 she produced a litter of six. Joy had six AKC Champions. On December 18, 2011 Joy became our first AKC Grand Champion which was the first year for this new AKC title. Pam showed her at the Long Beach Kennel Club show. Joy was chosen Best of Breed which gave her the final points that she needed for the AKC title. Joy tied for BHCA’s Top Producing Bitch of 2011.* Her fifth Champion offspring, Jesse, finished his Championship in January of 2013. Joy was awarded her Register of Merit (ROM) from the Basset Hound Club of America for dams that have produced five or more AKC Champions.** This is a very high honor. In November of 2013 Joy’s sixth Champion, Floyd, finished. In Joy’s last show she went out as a winner winning BOS in Veteran Sweepstakes and the Veteran Bitch Class. Woebgon Bassets will not be the same without her. She was the Joy of our lives.
GCh. Ch. Woebgon’s Kickapoo Joy Juice, ROM
Sire: Ch. Shoefly’s Royal Moosehead
Dam: Ch. Vogue’s Woebgon Mountain Dew
Our first litter. Joy was our first homebred AKC Champion, first Top Producing Bitch & first ROM
GCh. Ch. Woebgon’s Kickapoo Joy Juice, ROM
Best Of Opposite Sex at 132nd Westminster Kennel Club Show in 2008

Ch. Woebgon’s Moxie Original
Sire: Ch. Shoefly’s Royal Moosehead
Dam: Ch. Vogue’s Woebgon Mountain Dew
Our first litter. Moxie was the first basset that Pam showed.
“Snowy” is the first of our second generation of basset hounds to produce a litter. She is out of Bonnie and Top Priority. Both Heather and Don showed her for points. At the Basset Hound Club of Southern California’s Saturday Specialty Show in 2007 she was Winner’s Bitch, Best of Winners, Best Bred By Exhibitor and Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed. A few weeks later at the Western Hound Club Group Club Specialty Snowy was Best in Sweepstakes and Group 3 in Sweepstakes on day 1. The next day she was Winners Bitch and Best of Winners to finish her AKC Championship. Snowy produced a litter of four with one AKC Champion, Miller, and in 2012 had a litter of seven that produced her second Champion, Heidi, who is also a Grand Champion.
Ch. Woebgon’s Snow White
Sire: Ch. Me-Don’s Ol’South’s Top Priority, ROM
Dam: Ch. Vogue’s Woebgon Bonnie Miss
Produced our first second generation litter.
"Miss Sassy" has proven in the show ring that she is an excellent example of the breed. In 2011 she was Winners Bitch at both specialty shows of the Basset Hound Club of Southern California and best of Winners the first day. At the Saturday show in 2012 Miss Sassy won an Award of Merit and she was Select Bitch at the Sunday show. In 2012 she completed the requirements for her Grand Championship. At the 2013 BHCSC Specialty Miss Sassy was Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed on Saturday (pictured) and won an Award of Merit on Sunday. In 2014 Miss Sassy produced a litter of five. Don and Pam continued to show MissSassy at specialty shows in the Veteran Class. She won most of the times she was entered. We lost Sassy to bloat.
GCh. Ch. Woebgon’s Dodge City Sarsaparilla
Sire: Ch. Fort Merrill Shot in the Dark
Dam: GCh. Ch Woebgon’s Kickapoo Joy Juice, ROM
In 2014 she produced a litter of five.

GCh. Ch. Woebgon's Kickapoo Joy Juice tied for The Basset Hound Club of America, Inc.‘s Top Producing Bitch for 2011. She along with her three Champions that finished in 2011 are pictured here. Congratulations to the other bitches that tied with Joy for this distinction. It's an honor for us to be included with such distinguished breeders. Joy also finished her Grand Championship in 2011.

When “Jessy”, Ch. Woebgon’s Gunslinger, completed the requirements for his AKC Championship in January of 2013 that gave GCh. Ch. Woebgon's Kickapoo Joy Juice, ROM five Champions. With five Champion offspring Joy qualified for the Register of Merit designation from the Basset Hound Club of America. This is a very high honor for us and for Joy. Since then Joy added one more Champion, “Floyd”, Ch. Woebgon’s Pink Floyd.
Right after the BHCA verified Joy's ROM we had a chance to put the five of Joy's Champions together that qualified her for the ROM and take a picture of them at the 2013 BHCSC Specialty Show.

This website was created and is maintained by Don Bullock.
He can be reached at basithd@yahoo.com
All material on this website is copyright by Donald W. Bullock
All rights are reserved
* for more information click here to see Joy's accomplishments.
Our first Top Producing Bitch & ROM.

Ch. Wobegons Pixie Styx at Desiree Acres
Sire: GCh. Ch. Fort Merrill Shot in the Dark
Dam: GCh. Woebgon's Dodge City Sarsaparilla
Pixie was purchased from us by Ron & Mary Lukins but we also co-own her. She has produced one litter of three.
"Pixie' is out of our Sassy. She lived with Ron & Mary Lukins but we also co-owned her. At a BHCSC Specialty Show in 2015 she was best in Sweepstakes and at a GSDBHC Specialty Show that year Pixie was Winners Bitch and Best of Winners. In September of 2015 Pixie was Best of Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes at the BHCA Nationals in Sacramento. This is a the first time one of our bassets was recognized at a BHCA national show. In 2018 Pixie had a litter of three. One boy (Baz) finished his Championship and the other boy (Dubby) succumbed to bloat but he did win Winners Dog at a BHCSC Speciaty Show. Lexie, the only girl, earned both her Championship and Grand Championship. Unfortunately Pixie was lost to cancer. We lost Mary to a brain tumor.

GCh. Ch. Woebgon’s Doc Howliday
Sire: Ch. Fort Merrill Shot in the Dark
Dam: GCh. Ch Woebgon’s Kickapoo Joy Juice, ROM
Sperm from Doc is available to approved bitches.
"Doc" is was outstanding male basset hound. He was a litter mate to Miss Sassy. We sold Doc to our friends, Walt and Vickie Ross. Vickie and Don showed Doc both when he was working toward his AKC Championship and his Grand Championship. On March 25, 2012 under breeder/judge Diane Foote (pictured) he was Best of Breed at the Basset Hound Club of Southern California Specialty Show. Vickie continued to show Doc at specialty shows in the Veteran Class. He won most of the times he's was entered. Since we are no longer planning to breed the sperm we have saved from Doc is available to approved bitches. Doc passed away from cancer.
"Moxie" is a littermate to Joy. Pam and Heather worked together to finish Moxie’s AKC Championship. Both of them put points on Moxie and she was the first basset that Pam put points on. Moxie finished at the Kennel Club of Palm Springs show with a five point major (pictured right). She produced a litter of nine on August 29, 2006 while Joy was showing as a Special in Best of Breed competition. Her litter produced two AKC Champions, Cutie Pie and Scooby Doo that were both owned by Heather. Moxie has retired from the show ring. She lived to the age of 13.