Pam and Don are very proud of the AKC Champions for Woebgon Bassets. They have concentrated on quality, not quantity. All of their Champions have either been owner/handled or breeder/owner/handled for the majority of their wins. The couple have never hired a professional handler to earn Championship or Grand Championship points on their dogs. As can be seen in the photos, Heather co-owned and showed many of their dogs until she passed away at 39. Don and Pam sure do miss her. Since Heather’s loss Pam has had more opportunities to show the dogs. She’s doing very well and enjoying being in the ring with them. Nineteen AKC Champions on this page were officially bred by Don and Pam because they owned their mother. The other bassets they either bought from another breeder or they were sired by one of their dogs. All are included here because Don & Pam were both a part of their Championships. Most recently Don & Pam have started working with Ron & Mary Lukins of Desiree Acres Bassets. Their latest Champions are a result. Perhaps in the future the four of us will continue to have litters. At this point we're not sure what the future holds for breeding.

Ch. Shoefly’s Royal Moosehead
Co-owned with his breeders Sue & Andy Shoemaker

Ch. Vogue’s Woebgon Mountain Dew
Co-owned with her breeder Heather Simonek

Ch. Vogue’s Woebgon Bonnie Miss
Co-owned with her breeder Heather Simonek
Special Page: Bonnie’s Story

Ch. Vogue’s Woebgon Super G
OUT OF MOOSE & JELLY (litter 1)
Owned by Rob & Sukey Shor

Pretty Face
Ch. Vogue’s Woebgon Pretty Face
OUT OF MOOSE & JELLY (litter 2)
Owned by Jane Frasier

GCh. Ch. Woebgon’s
Kickapoo Joy Juice, ROM
Co-owned with Heather Simonek

Ch. Vogue’s Woebgon Scooby Doo
Owned by Heather Simonek

GCh. Ch. Woebgon’s Doc Howliday
OUT OF JOY (Litter 2)
Owned by Walt and Vickie Ross and Don & Pam Bullock
Shown by Vickie Ross

Owners listed were the owners at the time of the final Championship win. All others belonged to Don & Pam Bullock at the time they earned their Championship. Some have since gone on to live with someone else.
AKC Champions for Woebgon Bassets are all named for drinks. The boys are all named for beers and the girls are all named for sodas, soft drinks, energy drinks or juices. The exception to this sometimes happened when one of the dogs belonged to Heather or someone else.
For those who don’t understand breeding, the breeder of record is the owner of the bitch. This gives breeders the flexibility to go out to different breeders/owners to find a suitable stud for their litter. Those who own studs can charge a fee for the breeding, require a specified number of puppies from the litter or sell the boy to the owner of the bitch. Don & Pam have chosen to either purchase males or pay the stud fee so that they have full control of the litters their dams have produced. By going out to other breeders for their studs, the couple have been able to breed to some excellent examples of the breed and add to their gene pool.

This website was created and is maintained by Don Bullock.
He can be reached at basithd@yahoo.com
All material on this website is copyright by Donald W. Bullock
All rights are reserved

Click on the dog names to find out more about each dog and see more pictures.
GCh. Ch. Tradewind’s Caicos
Bred by Steve & Jeffie Casey

Ch. Woebgon's RockStar
We are proud to be AKC Breeders of Merit Bronze.
Ch. Pixie Styx of Desiree Acres
Owned by Ron & Mary Lukins and Don & Pam Bullock
Shown by Mary Lukins

GCh. Ch. Desiree Acres Black Tie and Sneakers
Owned & Bred by Ron & Mary Lukins
Pam & Don are Co-breeders & Co-owners

GCh. Ch. Desiree Acres Live Wire at Woebgon
Owned and Co-bred by Don & Pam Bullock
Ron & Mary Lukins are Breeders & Co-owners

GCh. Ch. Tradewinds Tropical Edition at Woebgon
Bred by Casey