Winners Bitch
Desiree Acres Live Wire at Woebgon

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We at Woebgon Bassets have not attended any shows yet this year. Following Don's heart bypass surgery at the end of November 2017 it was important to keep him isolated from any possibility of getting the flu or even a cold.
Don hopes to be back in the show ring later this year after he's recovered from his surgery enough to show Caicos in Best of Breed. He may also bring Nadia back out for some shows.
Kennel Club of Beverly Hills
Beginner Puppy Competition
Group 1
Desiree Acres Black Tie and Sneakers

Kennel Club of Beverly Hills
Beginner Puppy Competition
Best of Breed
Desiree Acres

Kennel Club of Beverly Hills
Beginner Puppy Competition
Best of Opposite Sex
Desiree Acres Live Wire at Woebgon

Stacking for the judge.
Movement Video

Stacking for the judge.
Movement Video

Kennel Club of Beverly Hills
Baz & Lexie
Beginner Puppy Competition

Kennel Club of Beverly Hills
Beginner Puppy Competition
Best of Breed
Desiree Acres Black Tie and Sneakers

Basset Hound Club of Southern California, Inc.
Specialty Shows
Woebgon Bassets had a good year.

Basset Hound Club of Southern California
First Place in Veteran Bitch Class
GCh. Ch. Woebgon's Dodge City
"Miss Sassy"
First Place in Veteran Dog Class
GCh. Ch. Woebgon's Doc Howliday

Woebgon Bassets
had another fantastic year at the Hound Classic
Best in Sweepstakes
Desiree Acres Black Tie and Sneakers

Winners Bitch
Desiree Acres Live Wire at Woebgon

Best in Sweepstakes
Desiree Acres Live Wire at Woebgon

At the Western Hound Association of Southern California's Hound Classic Lexie was Winners Bitch under judge Mr. Stewart Dankner from Canada. Lexie was shown by her co-owner, Mary Lukins. This was Lexie's very first show. She was six months and one week old. We've never had one of our bassets win at their very first show before this win.

Desiree Acres Live Wire at Woebgon
Winners Bitch & Best of Winners
Four Point Major
Judge: James E. Frederiksen
Lexie's Third Show

This was an outstang start to showing Baz and Lexie from this litter. Lexie's win at her very first show is another FIRST for us. We've never had a basset hound win at their very first show before. Both puppies looked great and the sweepstakes judges had difficulty choosing between the two.
Judge Danker, from Canada, really liked Lexie on Saturday. We greatly appreciate getting opinions like this from judges from different countries.
This was another outstanding win for Lexie. Winning a four point major at six months, especially at her third show, is very unusual. Judge Frederiksen told us that she was an outstanding bitch.

New AKC Champion
CH Desiree Acres Black Tie and Sneakers
Winners Dog & Best of Winners
For his Fourth Major in Four Show Weekends
Breeder Judge: Daniel Smyth
What a way to end our show year. Baz finished his AKC Championship under Breeder Judge Daniel Smyth. He finished with 4 majors in 4 show weekends, all from the Bred-By Exhibitor class. This win came at the Antelope Valley Kennel Club Show on Sunday, November 4, 2018. Baz was bred by Ron & Mary Lukins and Don & Pam Bullock. He is out of GCH Desiree Acres Dozer and CH Wobegons Pixie Styx of Desiree Acres.
Winners Dog
CH Desiree Acres Black Tie and Sneekers
Best of Winners