Don and Pam Bullock are retired school teachers. They started teaching when they were married in 1971. Pam has always taught third grade, with a few combination classes of second and third graders. Don spent most of his career teaching in grades four through six. He also taught educational technology courses at California Lutheran University where he earned his Master's Degree in Education. For Don’s last eleven years in the classroom the couple teamed together teaching third grade. They had two classes of third graders that switched between their classrooms for different subjects. Don retired in June of 2008. The 2008/2009 school year was Pam's last year of teaching. Don taught for 37 years and because she’s younger, Pam continued teaching for one additional year.
While Pam had grown up with dogs Don was never allowed to have one. Other than the neighborhood dogs his experience with dogs was very limited. That changed the day after the couple moved into their first house in 1976 on their fifth anniversary. That the very next day they went to the local Dog Pound (now known as an Animal Shelter) and brought home a beagle mix that they named Ruffy. He and Don became great pals which led to the search for a second dog.
That lead the couple back to the pound in 1977. Their first basset, "Maggie," was rescued from the pound that day. She was a beautiful basset, but her temperament was rather poor. Don and Pam could see why someone might have given up on her. Maggie was a special member of their family and started their devotion to the breed. Since Maggie wasn't an AKC registered basset hound Don and Pam decided to purchase "Lucy" with "papers" from a pet store, something they will never do again. They registered her with the AKC as Lucy Woebegone Big Paws. After they got into bassets and studied the AKC Standard for Basset Hounds Don and Pam discovered that Lucy had almost all the major faults possible, including knuckled over front legs which is a breed disqualification in the Basset Hound Standard. Lucy was also afraid of anyone other than Don and Pam and Pam's parents. She was a very poor example of a basset hound, but a good companion for them. Though Lucy was very poorly bred she still was a part if the inspiration for their kennel name, Woebgon Bassets (how we named our kennel).
After making that big mistake, Don and Pam started going to dog shows and bought some beautiful basset hounds from reputable/responsible breeders who show their dogs. “Chili”, Tailgate Chili Willie was their first of the boys. Not only did the the basset hounds they bought from the these breeders look great, they also had the right temperament for a basset hound. After Chili the pair purchased three boys from Sue and Andy Shoemaker of Shoefly Bassets. Shoefly basset hounds were known for their good temperament and what is called type. In laymen’s language, they looked and acted like basset hounds. Sue and Andy first sold them “Sam”, Shoefly’s Samuel Adams. He was a beautiful basset that loved to show, but he developed an issue that prevented him from continuing to be shown. The first AKC Champion for Don and Pam was CH. Shoefly's Bud Light, "Buddy." They also finished "Moose," CH. Shoefly's Royal Moosehead, that they purchased from the Shoemakers. Moose became the foundation stud for their breeding. Andy and Sue continued to be two of Don and Pam’s mentors and very special friends. They lost Sue to cancer in 2022 and though Andy is still a good friend he no longer has any bassets. In 1999 "Mandy," CH. Vogue's Woebgon Mountain Dew, was purchased from Heather and Joan Simonek of Vogue Bassets and in 2002 “Bonnie,” CH. Vogue’s Woebgon Bonnie Miss, came from a litter sired by their Moose. A female named Jelly owned by Heather was the dam. Until Heather’s tragic and untimely death Don and Pam had an excellent working relationship with her and combined their breeding efforts with Heather. By working together they were all able to continue improving the quality of their basset hounds. Heather and her entire family became very special friends as well. Heather was like a daughter to Don and Pam.
Since Don and Pam started working with Heather and her mother, Joan, they have produced some very fine basset hounds that have done well in the AKC show ring. It was their hope that they would continue their breeding program with Heather and Joan as their partners. Unfortunately Heather passed away at the age of 39 on September 26, 2009 from the H1N1 (“Swine”) flu. Her mother and father have since moved away from California to live closer to some of their family. Visit the Heather Tribute page for more on her.
The breeding program at Woebgon Bassets and showing their dogs continued. Don and Pam worked with others to improve their basset hounds. As in the past, they continue to concentrate on their next generation of show dogs in AKC conformation while doing their part to improve the breed. If the success of Joy’s second litter is any indication Pam and Don have learned their lessons well. It was their first litter after Heather’s passing. Winning Winners Dog and Winners Bitch at one basset hound specialty show is amazing, but to do it at two consecutive specialties under judges from the opposite parts of the globe (England & Australia) in 2011 is amazing. Those same two bassets won BIG in 2012 as well. Ch. Woebgon’s Dodge City Sarsaparilla was Select Bitch and Ch. Woebgon’s Doc Howliday was Best of Breed/Best in Specialty Show on March 25, 2012. The day before they each received an Award of Merit and their mother, GCh. Woebgon”s Kickapoo Joy Juice, ROM, won Best in Veteran Sweepstakes. The quality of the basset hounds from Woebgon Bassets has been proven in the show ring. GCh. Woebgon’s Nehi, “Heidi” from a more recent litter turned out to be a winner as well. In just one year of showing she earned both her AKC Championship and Grand Championship.
More important to Don and Pam is the temperament and health of the bassets they bred. They wanted basset hounds that were great companions and healthy dogs. Both of them are extremely proud of their accomplishments and greatly appreciate all those who have made a special place in their families, homes and hearts for the puppies and older dogs they have produced. Don and Pam tried to keep in contact with all the owners of bassets they have bred. They saw many of them each year at the BHCSC Basset Hound Picnic. Some owners are among their “friends” on Facebook as well as in the real world.
Don & Pam are very proud of the basset hounds they breed. They had at least one AKC Champion in every litter. In 2012 AKC launched their Breeder of Merit program and both Pam and Don are proud to announce that they both have been accepted as AKC Breeders of Merit for basset hounds. They also have been awarded AKC’s Silver over Gold Bred-by-Exhibitor Medallion in recognition of finishing at least 5 dogs they bred solely from the Bred-By-Exhibitor class. In December 2011 Pam finished the first Woebgon AKC Grand Champion, GCh. Ch. Woebgon’s Kickapoo Joy Juice, ROM (Joy). This AKC title was introduced in June of 2011. Joy’s daughter, GCh. Ch. Woebgon’s Dodge City Sarsaparilla (Sassy) earned her Grand Championship as well because of Pam’s efforts and her brother, GCh. Ch. Woebgon’s Doc Howliday (Doc) earned his Grand Championship too. In 2011 Joy tied for The Basset Hound Club of America’s Top Producing Dam Award. Don and Pam added another top award in 2013 for their breeding program with Joy. She qualified for the Basset Hound Club of America’s Register of Merit (ROM) which is given to the top producing Basset Hound Dams who have five or more offspring finishing AKC titles. This is a very high honor that they are very proud to achieve. She is now GCh. Ch. Woebgon’s Kickapoo Joy Juice, ROM with six Champions to her credit. That honor allowed Joy's photo to appear on the cover of Tally-Ho, the magazine of the BHCA.
In 2013 Don and Pam added a boy, Tradewind's Caicos, (Caicos) from their friend in Florida, Jeffie Casey, to their kennel. They had planned to breed him to Miss Sassy but ended up using his brother, Reefer, in 2014. The couple's good friends, Ron and Mary Lukins, are showing her sister, Pixie. Both Star and Pixie from that litter became AKC Champions. In January of 2017 at the age of 2 Star passed away due to cancer. This was a tragic loss for Don and Pam. . They still co-owned both Pixie and Magnum from that litter. Magnum has earned the first Canine Good Citizen (CGC) title for Woebgon Bassets. In the summer of 2016 Don and Pam imported a new girl from Forever Long Ears Bassets in Hungary. Unfortunately she did not turn out structurally sound enough to use in their breeding program but she made a wonderful companion for the rest of their pack.
In early 2017 Don and Pam experienced the lows and highs of owning, breeding and showing their basset hounds. As mentioned above at the end of January they lost their beloved Star, Ch. Woebgon's RockStar, at the age of two to cancer. This was a true shock that will have a big effect on what they do in the future. That was followed by one of their biggest show wins in early March. Caicos was National Owner Handled Series (NOHS) Best of Breed at the Kennel Club of Beverly Hills Show. He went on to win the NOHS Hound Group. That meant that he had to wait for the NOHS Best in Show class. That wait paid off with a NOHS Reserve Best in Show win for Caicos. Don and Pam, along with Steve and Jeffie Casey, are thrilled with this big win. The Judge was Mr. Powers, the president of the Kennel Club of Beverly Hills. He was also recently elected to a second term as a member of the AKC Board of Directors. In October of 2017 Pixie, Star's sister owned by Ron and Mary Lukins, had a litter of three, 2 boys and 1 girl. Since Ron and Mary decided to keep the two boys they offered Don & Pam a chance to have the girl, Lexie. 2017 ended with a big shock. Don suddenly had to have heart bypass surgery. This put everything else on hold including showing and breeding. Lexie finally joined the pack at Woebgon Bassets in March of 2018. At her very first dog show, the Western Hound Association's Hound Classic, Lexie was Winners Bitch and earned a four point major dog show win at her very third show. Both wins were from the Bred by Exhibitor class when she was just six months old. Don & Pam are very appreciative of Ron and Mary Lukins for breeding Lexie and letting them have her.
In April of 2018 The AKC, in recognition of Don & Pam's success of breeding ten or more AKC Champions has awarded them the Bronze Level of their AKC Breeder of Merit program. Don and Pam met all the requirements of this new system of honoring AKC breeders who follow the program's requirements and have had success in the show ring. Don and Pam are very proud of this recognition.
A major decision regarding breeding was made by Don and Pam at the end of 2017. They have decided to end their breeding program. This was a difficult decision for them to make but it was one that had to be made. They are truly sorry that those who were interested in getting a Woebgon Basset can no longer do so. What they are doing now is becoming even more involved in educating people about the breed and trying to help those who are interested in obtaining a well bred basset hound from a responsible/reputable breeder. They also plan to continue in the breed by obtaining new bassets from other breeders.
In 2020 Pam and Don did just that. Their Friend Jeffie (breeder of Caicos) had a litter and had promised them that they could have a puppy. The selection process was quite difficult because all they had to go on were photos and videos of the litter and individual puppies. Don and Pam made the decision that they wanted a girl and finally selected one. She was delivered to them by Jeffie's husband, Steve, at LAX Airport in the middle of the COVID 19 Pandemic.
Don and Pam named Emmy and registered her as Tradewinds Tropical Edition at Woebgon. Because of the issues revolving around COVID there were no dog shows until well after Emmy was old enough to show. Eventually when the shows opened up Emmy started winning. She earned her AKC Championship and AKC Grand Championship in exactly a year plus one day of showing. She's continued winning including some special placements at basset hound specialty shows as well as multiple placements in the National Owner Handled Series Hound Groups and she's even had multiple placements in the regular Hound Group. She now has her Grand Champion Bronze and is at the Bronze level for the AKC National Owner-Handled Series. Emmy has done all this with Pam showing her including Best of Breed and Best of Breed Owner Handled at the 2024 Saturday BHCSC Specialty.
In 2024 Don and Pam acquired a half sister to Emmy from Jeffie. Molly (Tradewinds High Tide at Woebgon) is currently growing up. We haven't decided if one of us will show her or not. She has some great qualities. We're just deciding if we're up to the task.
As is very evident Don & Pam are very dedicated to basset hounds. Please feel free to contact them by email or stop by to talk to them at dog shows and other basset hound events in Southern California like the BHCSC Basset Hound Picnic. The couple enjoy talking to others about the breed and their dogs. We're proud have been Responsible Breeders of Bassets Hounds.
Don and Pam wish all those new to basset hounds who visit their website the best with their foray into this wonderful breed. To those who already love the breed and have bassets at home they’d like to pass on some hugs and kisses to your pack no matter how big or small.
The following quote from The Kennel Club (United Kingdom) is excellent and one that all breeders and buyers should follow no matter where they live:

We agree strongly with this statement and insist that puppy buyers visit our home and see all our basset hounds. We also throughly investigate all potential buyers and their families.
To see where our dogs live click on picture.

This website was created and is maintained by Don Bullock.
He can be reached at basithd@yahoo.com
All material on this website is copyright by Donald W. Bullock
All rights are reserved

Don & Pam Bullock
NOTE: At Woebgon Bassets we're proud of the environment we've created for us and our bassets. We feel that it is important for people to have some knowledge of how our bassets are raised and the passion we have for the breed. Please enjoy looking through this section of the website.