Sire: Ch. Becee’s Masquerade, ROM
Dam: Ch. Vogue’s Daffodil, ROM
1 Litter

Sire: Ch. Shoefly’s Royal Moosehead
Dam: Vogue’s Black Cherry Jelly
1 Litter

Sire: Ch. Shoefly’s Royal Moosehead
Dam: Ch. Vogue’s Woebgon Mountain Dew
1 Litter

Sire: Ch. Me-Don’s Ol’South’s Top Priority, ROM
Dam: Ch. Vogue’s Woebgon Bonnie Miss
2 Litters

Sire: Ch. Shoefly’s Royal Moosehead
Dam: Ch. Vogue’s Woebgon Mountain Dew
2 Litters
Sire: Ch. Fort Merrill Shot in the Dark
Dam: GCh. Ch Woebgon’s Kickapoo Joy Juice, ROM
1 Litter
"Mandy" produced a litter of five. Due to complications only two survived, Joy and Moxie. Both of them became AKC Champions and Joy went on to become a Grand Champion and earned an ROM (Register of Merit) from the Basset Hound Club of America for producing at least five Champions.
"Bonnie" produced a litter of five. Three in the litter became AKC Champions.
"Moxie" produced a litter of nine. Two of them became AKC Champions.
"Snowy" produced two litters. Her first was a litter of four. One became a Champion. Snowy's second litter had seven puppies and one became a Champion.
"Joy" produced two litters. Out of her first litter of seven she produced two Champions. Her second litter of five produced four Champions. Joy tied for BHCA’s Top Producing Bitch in 2011. She was awarded an ROM (Register of Merit) from the Basset Hound Club of America for producing at least five Champions.
"Sassy" produced a litter of 5 on 4/28/14. Both Star and Pixie are AKC Champions. Magnum, from this litter is the first Woebgon Basset to earn a CGC (Canine Good Citizen) title.

At Woebgon Bassets we have concentrated on quality, not quantity. We had a total of eight litters. The pictures of the dams of these litters are shown below. For those who are new to pure bred dogs the owners of the mother of a litter are considered to be the actual breeders of the litter. Often the fathers are owned by someone else. We are very proud of the litters we have produced. Every litter we've had has produced at least one AKC Champion and Joy earned the coveted Register of Merit (ROM) from the Basset Hound Club of America for producing five or more Champions. She produced six AKC Champions.
This website was created and is maintained by Don Bullock.
He can be reached at basithd@yahoo.com
All material on this website is copyright by Donald W. Bullock
All rights are reserved
Click on the dog names next to each picture or the photo to find more about the litters and see pictures of the offspring. To find out more about each litter's dam click on their names under the picture.