2011 turned out to be one of the most exciting years for Woebgon Bassets. Our success in the show ring was unprecedented.
We hope to see you at a dog show.
Check out Now Showing for more information.
Show Highlights from Previous Years
We plan to add show news from other years as time allows.
For now check out our Special Wins page.
2011 Started off with the shows in Indio, CA.
Doc Howliday Did Well to Start the Year
At the Kennel Club of Palm Springs show Doc was Winners Dog and Best Puppy.
This was only a hint of things to come.

They had a group competition for the puppies where Doc took Group Four.

Near the end of January Doc was Winners Dog and best of Winners under Breeder/Judge Ron Lukins at the Ventura Dog Fanciers Association Show.

New Champion
Ch. Woebgon’s Sierra Mist
Wow! What a weekend at the Emerald Empire Dog Club Shows (January 29 & 30, 2011). There was a possibility of a major both days in boys. For a bitch to get a major required going Best of Winners. On Saturday our girl, Woebgon’s Sierra Mist (“Sierra”) was Winners Bitch, Best of Winners and Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed for a 4 point major under judge Mrs. Jan Schirmer. It was a fantastic, exciting day. Sierra still needed her second major to finish her AKC Championship. On Sunday Sierra was Winners Bitch and Best of Winners under judge Harry Tufts for her second major of the weekend. We would like to thank Judy Walker for allowing us to breed Sierra’s mother, Joy, to her sire, Ch. Houndwalker Theodore T Bear. Special thanks also goes to our good friend Jan Kano for showing Sierra on Sunday for her final win and Sierra’s family (pictured in win photo below) for allowing us to continue showing her after they bought her from us. For those of you who knew Heather, Sierra was one of her favorite bitches. Heather recognized her qualities and knew she’d do well in the show ring. This win is dedicated to her.

Woebgon’s Gunslinger, “Jesse” won Winners Dog several shows during 2011. This picture is from his very first win as a puppy. He was Winners Dog and Best of Winners at the Silver Bay Kennel Club show in February.

Perhaps Our Biggest Wins Ever
At least for now.
For those who don’t show dogs, the Specialty Shows put on by basset hound clubs are very important. Usually the judge is a breeder of basset hounds and all is considered to be an expert on the breed. Doing well at one of these shows is very important to a breeder.
The 2011 Basset Hound Club of Southern California Specialty show is one that will certainly be memorable for us. Winning with just one dog at a specialty show is important and memorable, we won both Winners Dog and Winners Bitch at both BHCSC Specialty Shows that year. The ad we produced for the Basset Hound Club of America’s magazine Tally - Ho is shown below.

As stated in the ad, these two judges were from the opposite places on the globe. Both of them had no idea who we were or who bred the dogs or that they were litter mates. The judges didn’t even know each other. In fact, the judge from Saturday was extremely excited to see the dogs win again on Sunday. For her it validated her decision to put up two puppies instead of more mature dogs. Sunday’s judge said, “They were the best two out there.” and was surprised at her reaction to what he did.
With these wins Doc finished his AKC Championship in four shows at the age of nine months and six days to become our second youngest basset to finish. Jack beat him by four days.
Needless to say, we couldn’t believe what happened. These shows have certainly become a highlight of our showing and breeding.
Miller Gets Into the Success Column With His Own Specialty Win
At the 2011 Greater San Diego Basset Hound Club Specialty Show Miller, Ch. Woebgon’s Miller High Life was Select Dog. Miller finished his Championship at this same show in 2009 and was selected for an Award of Merit in 2010.

Pam Takes on the Challenge of Showing Miss Sassy
When Don decided to switch dogs and start showing “Jesse” Pam decided that she would show Miss Sassy. The two of them made a great team. Both of them gained some confidence in the ring. Pam and Sassy are shown here winning the third major for Sassy.

Doc Continues to be Successful
in the Show Ring
Vickie continued showing Doc on a very limited basis in 2011. Here he is shown going Best of Breed at the Burbank Kennel Club Show and his mother, Joy, was Best of Opposite Sex. It was a good day for both mother and son.

Miss Sassy Becomes a Champion
Pam continued showing Sassy. Sassy’s Championship was finished at the Kennel Club of Riverside show. At the same show her mother, Joy, was Select Bitch with another major toward her Grand Championship. It was a good day for both mother and daughter.

Joy Becomes our First
Grand Champion
2011 was capped off by a very special win at our very last show for the year. Don was showing Jesse and was scheduled to show Joy in Best of Breed competition. Jesse won Winners Dog and Don decided that he needed to stay on Jesse in case the judge liked him enough to award him Best of Breed. Don quickly told Pam at the ring entrance that she had to take Joy in the ring instead of him.
As can be seen in the picture below, Pam did a fantastic job showing Joy. They took Best of Breed and the points Joy received from that gave her the final points she needed for her Grand Championship. GCh. Ch. Woebgon’s Kickapoo Joy Juice became the first Grand Champion for Woebgon Bassets. Joy also received a special distinction from the Basset Hound Club of America (see bottom of page) as a result of our show success in 2011.
Each year the Basset Hound Club of America announces and awards the top producing Dog and Bitch for the year. Because Joy produced three AKC Champions in 2011 she tied for this award. We are thrilled with this award. It is another indication of the quality of our breeding program at Woebgon Bassets.
The Result of a Great Year