Joy’s boy, Seymour, finished his AKC Championship at the Inland Empire Hound Club of Southern California Show on January 6, 2012. He was shown to the win by our good friend, Jan Kano, who also finished his sister, Sierra. Jan has a special way with dogs and did a great job handling Seymour. Her showing instincts remind me of those I saw in Heather. Heather, our co-breeder on this litter, had the kennel name of Vogue Bassets. Ch. Woebgon’s Long Shot ‘N Vogue was the last show dog with Vogue in his name and the last of Heather’s breeding to become an AKC Champion. This win is dedicated to her.
With Seymour’s win his mother, Joy, needed one more Champion to qualify for a Registry of Merit (ROM) certificate from the Basset Hound Club of America. She got that fifth Champion a year later.
We at Woebgon Bassets got off to a really great start in the AKC conformation show ring in 2011. Our bassets did well through out the whole year. This page documents just the highlights of that success.
We hope to see you at a dog show.
Check out Now Showing for more information.
Show Highlights from Previous Years
Show News 2011
We plan to add show news from other years as time allows.
For now check out our Special Wins page.
2012 Started off with a new Champion.
Ch. Woebgon’s Long Shot ‘N Vogue

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For those who don’t show dogs, the Specialty Shows put on by basset hound clubs are very important. Usually the judge is a breeder of basset hounds and all is considered to be an expert on the breed. Doing well at one of these shows is very important to a breeder.
At the Saturday 2012 Basset Hound Club of Southern California Specialty Show both Doc and Miss Sassy continued their winning streak at the BHCSC Specialty Shows. We were thrilled when breeder/judge Sandra Johnston, a basset hound breeder from Scotland, presented them both with an Award of Merit.
Then when, at the Sunday show the awards improved. We we became very excited.

Breeder/judge Diane Foote presented Ch. Woebgon’s Doc Howliday (“Doc”) with Best of Breed/Best in Specialty Show and Ch. Woebgon’s Dodge City Sarsaparilla (‘Miss Sassy”) with Select Bitch. This is not the first time our basset hounds have been awarded with Best of Breed at a basset hound Specialty Show, but it’s the first time for us at our own club’s show. To win it at our own breed club made the Best In Specialty Show even more special. Then for his sister to receive the Select Bitch award was fantastic. The wins have verified our breeding choices.
More pictures here.

Woebgon’s Gunslinger
Continued picking up points toward his AKC Championship. By the end of 2012 Jesse needed just his second major to complete his Championship.
We took the summer of 2012 off from showing to take care of our litter.
Ch. Woebgon’s Dodge City Sarsaparilla
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Miss Sassy finished her AKC Grand Championship, one year from when she finished her AKC Championship at the same show, with her 7th. major at the Kennel Club of Riverside Show. This is the first time Pam has handled a basset for all of their Grand Championship points. Pam and Miss Sassy made a great team in the show ring. Don started showing Miss Sassy in January of 2013 in Best of Breed competition.

The year ended on a high note. Doc’s owner Vickie Ross who had been showing him asked me to show Doc at the last two shows of the year. At our very last show of 2012 Ch. Woebgon’s Doc Howliday was Best of Breed. I’d like to publicly thank Vickie for doing such a great job showing Doc and allowing me to show him for this win. With this 5 point win Doc was just a couple points short of his Grand Championship. We’ll see what 2013 brings.