We are very proud to have been accepted in the AKC Breeder of Merit Program. This program that was established in 2012 is AKC’s attempt to separate out reputable breeders from those who just produce puppies for sale. We have been recognized at the Bronze Level of the AKC Breeder of Merit Program.

According to the American Kennel Club:
The Breeder of Merit Program honors breeder/exhibitors' dedication and hard work as they continue to produce dogs that are healthy, capable, and beautiful.
The foundation of today's AKC, Breeders of Merit have the power to influence, guide, and teach future breeders, exhibitors, and all purebred dog owners.
AKC Press Release:
-- Recognition Program Celebrates & Rewards Dedicated Breeders --
Since its founding in 1884, the American Kennel Club (AKC) has served all who are committed and dedicated not only to the sport of purebred-dogs but to all dogs. As the AKC has grown and expanded, the reach and influence of core-exhibitor breeders has expanded as well. With those breeders in mind, AKC has created the new Breeder of Merit program. It proudly honors breeder/exhibitors’ dedication and hard work as they continue to produce dogs that are healthy, capable, and beautiful. The foundation of today’s AKC, Breeders of Merit have the power to influence, guide, and teach future breeders, exhibitors, and all purebred dog owners.
The Breeder of Merit program allows the American Kennel Club to celebrate our dedicated, passionate breeders who truly are the backbone of the sport and the foundation of our organization," said AKC’s Chief Operating Officer John Lyons. "Our Breeders of Merit are committed to both improving their breed through health testing and selective breeding programs, and proving their breed through achievements in the ring and the field. They are special and will be emulated by new breeders entering the sport. Being a successful breeder does not come easy. Years of hard work, vision, and a willingness to do the right thing are required to be successful. Our Breeders of Merit have these qualities and deserve to be recognized.
Don and Pam are very proud to be included in this exemplary group of breeders. It is their intent to do whatever it takes to produce the best possible examples of the breed based on the AKC Standard for Basset Hounds, especially concentrating of the excellent temperament of the breed and good health. Those looking for puppies need to understand that not all breeders use the AKC Standard as a model for their breeding nor do they concentrate on the quality of the dogs they breed.
The Breeder of Merit Program does not imply a recommendation of a breeder by AKC.

This website was created and is maintained by Don Bullock.
He can be reached at basithd@yahoo.com
All material on this website is copyright by Donald W. Bullock
All rights are reserved
Exciting News from AKC
In January of 2014 I made a proposal to the American Kennel Club for different levels of their Breeder of Merit program. In my proposal I stated, "There are breeders who have greatly exceeded the basic requirements and don't want to be lumped in with those who barely qualify.... This following proposal is one that the writer feels would greatly increase the status of the AKC Breeder of Merit Program."
According to the announcement that I received by email from the AKC on May 31, 2017 there will be different levels to their Breeder of Merit program. As result of the AKC's decisions the number of AKC Champions a breeder produces is the criteria used to determine the level of achievement for Breeders of Merit. We have now, April 30, 2018, been recognized at the Bronze level.