I have set up a way for you to record an audio question for the podcast. It's a free widget from a company called SpeakPipe. Please follow the directions below to record your message or use email instead. Thank you.
If you wish to email me a question instead of recording one please use this link:
Use the link below to record your question. In addition to the question please give your full name and town/city. Also please provide me an email address so that I can verify your identity and ask questions if I need more information regarding your question.

Please remember to provide your full name.
You must be at least 18 years old to ask a question.
I will not read your question on the podcast if you don't use your real name but you may instruct me to OMIT your name when I read your question on the podcast. Please make it clear if you WANT me to provide your name to the listeners. If in doubt I'll leave it off the podcast.
I will NOT give your name or email address to anyone else.
LINK: Our Privacy Policy
We use a service called SpeakPipe to facilitate your recorded questions. For their Privacy Policy check the following link - SpeakPipe Privacy Policy
No personal information will be retained after the podcast episode in which your question(s) appears has been published on the Internet.