Ch. Shoefly’s Bud Light
In his very first all breed show after he became an AKC Champion Buddy was Best of Breed and Group 4. This was our first group placement.
Buddy soon after we brought him home.
Pam trying to get Buddy to eat by making “puppy balls” with his food.
Buddy around our house and yard.
Buddy on vacation along the Oregon and Washington coasts. He went with us a few times to shows in both states.
Buddy at dog shows.
Ch. Shoefly’s Bud Light
Burbank Kennel Club
Winners Dog
Best of Winners
Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed
This was our first win at a dog show.
Best of Breed and a Hound Group Four the first show as a Champion.
A few of Buddy’s Best of Breed wins
Buddy’s final win as a veteran.
Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed
Basset Hound Club of Southern California
Veteran Sweepstakes
This website was created and is maintained by Don Bullock.
He can be reached at basithd@yahoo.com
All material on this website is copyright by Donald W. Bullock
All rights are reserved
As the saying goes, "the third time's the charm." Our third basset hound from a responsible breeder was Buddy. He came from Sue and Andy Shoemaker and Shoefly Bassets.
Buddy was a perfect name. He became Don's best buddy for all of his life with us. The two of them made a great team except for showing.
In the show ring Buddy didn't have a clue what we wanted him to do. When we practiced outside the ring he was fine but as soon as we walked into the ring Buddy didn't want to cooperate. We tried all kinds of things and others gave us ideas on what we could do. Occasionally, in spite of Buddy's misbehaving we'd even win.
Finally one day after Buddy was two years old he suddenly got it. All of a sudden Don would take him in the ring and Buddy stood and moved perfectly. Judges who hadn't liked Buddy as a puppy finally liked him. One who had given Buddy one of his first wins finally finished him with a major win.