Ch. Woebgon’s Gunslinger
“Jesse” who’s out of GCh. Ch. Woebgon’s Kickapoo Joy Juice, ROM (Joy) and GCh. Ch. Fort Merrill Shot in the Dark (Bullet) finished his AKC Championship under the esteemed Italian breeder/judge, Mr. Paolo Dondina. He was Best of Winners for all but one of his show wins.
This is the fifth AKC Champion for his mother, Joy, which qualified her for The Register of Merit (ROM) that is awarded by the Basset Hound Club of America to the top producing Basset Hound Sires and Dams who have offspring finishing AKC titles. The title "ROM" following a basset's registered name designates a sire or dam has produced several get who have been successful in finishing an AKC title.
Jesse has gone to a fantastic new home where he’s become a treasured member of the family.

Jesse at one of his very first shows.

Another Best of Winners for Jesse.

Another Best of Winners for Jesse.
Joy’s boy, “Jesse”, finished his AKC Championship at the Kennel Club of Palm Springs Show by winning Winners Dog and Best of Winners on January 5, 2013. He finished his AKC Championship under the esteemed Italian breeder/judge, Mr. Paolo Dondina. Mr. Dondina has judged Best in Show at both Crufts in England and at the Westminster Kennel Club Show in New York.
In March after Jessie finished his Championship he went to live with a wonderful couple and their female basset.
This website was created and is maintained by Don Bullock.
He can be reached at basithd@yahoo.com
All material on this website is copyright by Donald W. Bullock
All rights are reserved