GCh. Ch. Woebgon’s Pink Floyd
When this litter was young we discovered that a very special basset hound owner in Utah was looking for a puppy to possibly show. After our friends selected Doc from the litter we gave her second choice on the boys. She immediately decided on Hickory and renamed him Floyd. He was named after a pink flamingo that was frequenting the Great Salt Lake area at the time, not the rock band. From what we’ve heard Floyd has a fantastic temperament and is her constant companion which is what she wanted. Yes, There is a Floyd beer.
We were very excited when we were notified that Floyd got his first major at the Terry-All Kennel Club Show in Colorado in April of 2013. He just finished his AKC Championship on November 8, 2013 and went on to earn his Grand Championship.

Woebgon’s Pink Floyd
Owned by Valerie Argyle
This was Floyd’s first major win. It’s very difficult in the area where his owner lives to find majors for basset hounds. She has to either take him or send him to shows in other areas which is expensive.

One of Floyd’s first wins. The handler wasn’t available for the photo so his owner, Valerie stepped in for it. As can be seen in the photo Floyd was Winners Dog, Best of Winners and Best of Breed.
New Champion

Ch. Woebgon’s Pink Floyd
Owned by Valerie Argyle
We received a call from Valerie about 2:00 p.m. on May 17th. She was excited to tell us that Floyd had just placed fourth in the Hound Group at a show in Utah. The picture is posted below.

Ch. Woebgon’s Pink Floyd
Group Judge: Ms. Carol Graham
Breed Judge: Dr. D. W. Dowling
Owned by Valerie Argyle

This website was created and is maintained by Don Bullock.
He can be reached at basithd@yahoo.com
All material on this website is copyright by Donald W. Bullock
All rights are reserved
New Grand Champion

Best of Breed
Ch. Woebgon’s Pink Floyd
Judge: Mrs. Mounce
Owned by Valerie Argyle
Floyd continues to live in Utah and is shown occasionally. From what we've heard he's a wonderful companion for his owner.