Episode #9 (LINK)
Title: Getting Our First Brood Bitch, Good breeders and rescue can, and do, work together.
Questions from the Internet:
Since I didn’t receive any questions from listeners I left it out of this episode. Unfortunately that left out an important part of this podcast.
Please remember to ask questions. I’d much rather answer questions from my listeners than random questions or leaving that part of the podcast out. There’s a page on our woebgonbassets.com website where you can either record a question or send one by email.
“Do Your Ears Hang Low”
By Trygve Larsen or “Nesrality” available royalty free from Pixabay.
This video and all material contained therein is Copyrighted© by Donald Bullock all All Rights Reserved. It cannot be edited, copied, printed or rebroadcasted in part or in full without his expressed written permission.
This episode of WOEBGON explains how we acquired our first girl and information on how good breeders and rescue groups can work together. There's a lot of rhetoric these days that tries to make it look like breeders and rescue are opposites. In this episode I include information on how they actually work together. We're BOTH interested in maintaining our breed.
Acquiring our first girl for breeding purposes is documented in this episode. I explain the process we went though. While it wasn't as difficult as we thought it would be that's because Pam and I had already established a good reputation in the breed. As you see we still had to make some difficult decisions.
As for good breeders and rescue groups working together BOTH are extremely important to any breed. Good breeders should be producing good examples of our breed that don't end up in need of being rescued. Without them we wouldn't have a breed. The rescue groups are needed to clean up the mess of those breeders who aren't responsible for the dogs they breed. In this episode I explain an excellent example where both groups work together for the benefit of our breed. In doing so I provide an excellent place to start for those who wish to rescue a basset hound. Both groups Compliment each other and help maintain our wonderful breed.