Episode #6 (LINK)
Title: Getting Our First Champion, Basset's Eating Habits

Pam feeding Buddy using Puppy Balls
Questions from the Internet:
Since I didn’t receive any questions from listeners I selected two that I found recently on the Internet that I felt fit into this podcast episode.
Please remember to ask questions. I’d much rather answer questions from my listeners. There’s a page on our woebgonbassets.com website where you can either record a question or send one by email.
“Do Your Ears Hang Low”
By Trygve Larsen or “Nesrality” available royalty free from Pixabay.
This video and all material contained therein is Copyrighted© by Donald Bullock all All Rights Reserved. It cannot be edited, copied, printed or rebroadcasted in part or in full without his expressed written permission.