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Important Links:
Basset Hound Club of Southern California
The Basset Hound Club (England)
Other links may be added in the future.
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Your questions are important. Please remember to send in some questions to me for this podcast. There is a link for either recorded questions or email questions on this website. LINK: Questions

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Personal Story:
The story of our first, and only pet store dog, Lucy
Lucy was our very first puppy. She taught us a lot about raising puppies, the AKC Standard for Basset Hounds and why it’s important, She was a wonderful girl and a very important member of our family.
OH!!!!! And yes our kennel name and the name of this podcast harken back to the Woebegone in Lucy’s name.
History Of Basset Hounds:
I’ve already covered some information on the History of the Breed and the AKC Standard in my discussion of Lucy so I thought I’d do something different this time.
I’ll just combine the some historical information in my Standard Myths segment, the term European bassets. This is a term that many Internet breeders today to sell their bassets.
AKC News:
2023 marks AKC GoodDog Helpline’s tenth anniversary. This is a service designed to assist people with issues or behavior problems they have with dogs of all ages that is offered through the American Kennel Club (AKC)>
Plus more about the AKC including the reasons for Parent Clubs such as the Basset Hound Club of America, Stud books, pedigrees, AKC Championships, Grand Championships and some other AKC. What to expect from a reputable/responsible breeder in regards to the AKC, and more.
- Basset Hound Health Segment -
Since I’ve mentioned how important pedigrees are especially in preventing inherited traits I thought I’d talk about a recently discovered inherited disease in basset hounds. This disease is called Lafora. It manifests itself in seizures starting around ages 5 to 7 and eventually develops into a form of epilepsy. While the disease was first discovered in basset hounds very recently in Europe further research has shown that it is also present in American bred basset hounds.
For specific, up to date information on Lafora go to the website of the Basset Hound Club of America (basset-bhca.cog).
Special Segment:
Some very misleading information I found recently on the Internet that I thought people should know.
- Basset Hound Rescue Segment -
The Basset Hound Club of America has a list of BHCA Recognized Basset Hound Rescue Groups listed under rescue on their website. They also have some good information regarding basset hound rescue and their views on what constitutes a reputable rescue group. Check it out.
Questions from the Internet:
Since I didn’t receive any questions from listeners I selected two that I found recently on the Internet that I felt fit into this podcast episode.
Please remember to ask questions. I’d much rather answer questions from my listeners. There’s a page on our woebgonbassets.com website where you can either record a question or send one by email.

Pam with Lucy shortly after we brought her home.
How I blocked off part of our kitchen with boxes.
Lucy in her section of the kitchen.
Two photos showing how the top of Lucy's head turned white.
Lucy hiding from a friend on the guest bed in our extra bedroom among Pam's collection of stuffed animals.
Lucy's knuckled over front legs. This is an inherited condition.
Pam and Lucy cuddling on the sofa.
Lucy playing with Pam's Goofy slippers.
Lucy out in our dogrun with to other bassets waiting to be let into the house.
Lucy's favorite spot in our house, the sofa.
Lucy on what will later become Chili's chair in our living room.
Left to Right: Chili, Lucy, Pam and Sam celebrating Sam's first birthday with a Birthday Cake. Tes, we used to do that for all the dogs but it eventually became overwhelming.

Maggie and Lucy playing tug with a rope toy. The two of them did like to play together a lot.
A photo of Lucy on the floor in the entry to our house.

Bella, Emmy's mother, when she was young, before she became an AKC Champion.
Bella after she became a Champion and was working toward becoming a Grand Champion.

Emmy's father Replay. In case you're wondering he's still working on his Championship. Where he lives there are very few shows his owner can go to.

A distant relative to the modern basset hound showing what looks to be a knuckled over front leg.

A copy of a lithograph depicting three very important bassets that helped form our breed. The one in the foreground may, according to some experts,