Episode #13 (LINK)
Title: Mandy’s First Breeding —Things didn’t go well!
Questions from the Internet:
Since I didn’t receive any questions from listeners I selected two that I found recently on the Internet that I felt fit into this podcast episode.
Please remember to ask questions. I’d much rather answer questions from my listeners. There’s a page on our woebgonbassets.com website where you can either record a question or send one by email.
“Do Your Ears Hang Low”
By Trygve Larsen or “Nesrality” available royalty free from Pixabay.
This video and all material contained therein is Copyrighted© by Donald Bullock all All Rights Reserved. It cannot be edited, copied, printed or rebroadcasted in part or in full without his expressed written permission.

We attempted our first breeding between Mandy and Moose. As I explain in the podcast, things didn’t go well. You’ll discover that breeding isn’t as easy as some think.
In this episode I explain why Pam and I decided to become breeders of basset hounds. It’s not for the reasons that many of you think.
Pregnant Mandy
